Saturday, December 5, 2009

And she had to admit that whatever she might attempt in the way of feather boas and fancy hats she was pushing 140 and was 400 lbs above the fashionable weight. If only he'd buck his ideas up. .

Okay if I write that down when I get back to the office? Might mean a promotion. ' 'Certainly ' Harold said retreating towards the back door and striving to keep his melting smile in place. 'You go right ahead and finish. I think I'll take a little nap -'Sure buddy ' the lawnmower man said getting ponderously to his feet. Harold noticed the unusually deep split between the first.
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Smell strange?" Phil said "Not that I noticed. Why?" Mark knelt a moment to inspect the mess then stood shaking his head as if the question was trivial. "Just that foxes or other wildlife can give off a pretty strong odor. Well I'm sorry Phil. " Phil seemed to have accepted the cat's death. "It's okay. He was a tough old coot and was going to go out fighting one day anyway. " Mark nodded. "Who's seen this?" Phil said "Just us. Gloria stayed in town to grocery- shop after dropping the kids off at school. She should be back in the next hour. " Mark said "And I'd just as soon no one outside of here knows about this just yet. " Phil said "Why?" Mark sighed slightly. "I'm not sure yet just what's going on Phil. " He paused thinking a moment. "All.
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