I could think out the position in all its bearings and make my arrangements at leisure. Of course it was quite clear to me what had happened to the boy. He had crawled into the sphere meddled with the studs shut the Cavorite windows and gone up. It was highly improbable he had screwed the.
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At sight of the strangers and both women shrieked and both little boys began to cry. Both mothers boxed the children's ears and both men gasped out: "Who--who are you?" Their voices were exactly alike and their words were spoken in unison. Prince Marvel replied courteously: "We are two strangers who have strayed into your country. But I do not understand why our appearance should so terrify you. " "Why--you are singular! There is only half of each of you!" exclaimed the two men together. "Not so " said the prince trying hard not to laugh in their faces. "We may be single while you appear to be double; but each of us is perfect nevertheless. " "Perfect! And only half of you!" cried the men. And again the two women who were looking over their husbands' shoulders screamed at.
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